Autotest and Growl
I’ve been trying without success to setup autotest Growl notifications for some time but never quite managed to get it fuly working. There are plenty of solutions out there already but things still didn’t seem to come together for me… until today - the latest version of seems to have smoothed things.
Unfortunately there’s a bug in growlnotify so whether the Growls will actually be displayed is another question (they randomly don’t appear). There is a fix for this, however, which provides a drop-in workaround - remember to stop and start Growl from Preferences.
Last but not least is the pièce de résistance: what pass/fail image(s) shall I show? Fortunately somebody has already answered that for me and in the most pleasing way possible.
A little tweaking here and there (like renaming the fail images 1-5) and I give you my .autotest Growl hook.